The One When Bobby Turned One


It feels like only yesterday when we made the trip over to Oswestry to bring our furry baby home. Although it was a super long eight weeks with a nine year old counting down to the day we could bring him to his forever home. And what a year it has been. The once tiny naked belly, fluffy Chocolate Labrador puppy is now an almost fully grown humping, teddy destroyer – yet adorable Chocolate Bobby . He has the most beautiful eyes and temperament, we are so very lucky to have him as part of our little family.



He soothed our breaking hearts from losing Alfie and gave us hope for a brighter end to the year of 2020. He also brought a huge amount of love, fun, cuddles and belly laughs as we navigated life with a puppy. They say it’s like going back to the baby days, it was worse – it was like skipping forward to the toddler days when they are into absolutely everything and simply cannot be trusted. Don’t ever turn your back on a puppy. Not even once. You’ll regret it.



The One When Bobby Turned One



Forty Four weeks later and here we are celebrating our Bobster turning one year old. AKA Slinky Dog, Bob, Baby, Bobbles, Bobby Brown or Chocolate. Names we’ve all adopted and adore. He is so special. Just like George he truly is a wonder. We’ve kept in touch with the breeder as well as all the other puppies in his litter, it’s so wonderful to see them all being fussed and grown up.


He isn’t without his quirks and although is so different to Alfie he’s also really similar and definitely makes us believe they are somehow connected. Do you believe in stuff like that? I do. I really do. He has a similar gaze, he sits in all of Alf’s favourite spots, seeks out the sun and leaves a trail of water all through the house after taking a drink. He gobbles up his food so fast, he jumps up high and paws us for treats and quite simply he just loves running across the field. Alf did too. So alike. They really are.



The One When Bobby Turned One


The one when he chewed his new toys within minutes, gobbled down his birthday doggy biscuits in seconds and slobbered all over me at the sight of his favourite lamb meal for dinner. The one when in excitement he popped his teddy, knocked over George trying to get to a new toy and when I unveiled his new toys he was more interested in dashing past to get to his birthday breakfast! Labs do love their food. His body clock certainly knows when it’s time for food.


And so, the big question is… should we get him a friend?



The One When Bobby Turned One


The One When Bobby Turned One


The One When Bobby Turned One


The One When Bobby Turned One


The One When Bobby Turned One



The KA Edit
The KA Edit

I’m Kerri-Ann or KA as my friends call me, always found with a cup of coffee in one hand and my camera in the other. I have a huge passion for photography, fitness, fashion and family travel. I started this blog in 2014. It began as my creative outlet after becoming a mummy to our little boy George Archie. I started out blogging about parenting and over the years it has evolved into a blog that covers lifestyle, fashion, family and travel. Today TheKAEdit is ultimately a life and style blog. Thank you for reading x x

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