So I guess one of the biggest questions ahead of how the flip do fast passes work, and how long will the queue for Flight of Passage be (135 mins at worst) is what to wear to the Theme Parks in Florida?
As we started to plan our trip, to map out the parks and pull together an itinerary I couldn’t help but think about my wardrobe. What was I going to wear for 18 days in Orlando? With the exception of 3 days, our time would mostly be spent riding rollercoasters, visiting water parks and walking around the parks in 30 degree heat (we averaged 30,000 steps a day). Not your usual summer holiday. And so here is my…
Florida Style Diary
So, I had a few things to consider. Comfort but with style, tan lines (of course), what to do with my hair (think Monica in the heat), footwear (you don’t want them flying off on rides), clothes that went from day to night. Did I need dresses for the evenings? To answer, yes – I took 3 and I’m glad that I did. And lastly bikini or costume for the water parks? I think I got it right. I did plan my outfits out by day (yes you read that right), I considered which park we were visiting (wet rides or not), what footwear (depending on how long we were planning on being in the park that day) and of course my Magic Kingdom outfit.
Top Tips
1. Mix up tops and shorts/skirts to maximise outfits
2. Take a light sweater with you. All restaurants are air conditioned and it can get a little chilly indoors
3. Pick up accessories for your hair – I loved these long scrunchies from Primark
4. Pop a change of clothes in the car for after water rides or just long days to freshen up
5. Pack an umbrella and/or poncho just in case as the weather can turn in a flash
And now I’d like to share with you some of the outfits which I wore whilst in Florida. We were there for two weeks in April and the first few days of May. Temperatures ranged from 27 degrees to 32 degrees. You might have seen some of these over on Instagram already but I thought it would help to pull them altogether in one post with the tags as to where items were from. Some are from previous summer holidays and those that are available to buy are linked here.
Theme Park Outfits…

Florida Style Diary
Beach day and water park…

Drinks in the evening…

And that’s my Florida Style Diary. I hope you liked it. It actually took me a little longer than I thought to pull it together. Lots of my friends laugh when I say I plan my outfits out but actually this was the first holiday that I didn’t over pack and knew each day what I’d be wearing. I hope you’ve enjoyed following along. Do ask me any questions in the comments, I’ll be happy to answer.