Me and Mine from a rather Festive December. And that’s a wrap. Chapter 12 of the year is complete. This year I have all of our family photo’s pulled together in a ‘our little family year book’ which I am really excited about. Despite saying I’ll print one each year I never quite get round to it so this year with a little help from Tremo Books I have a gorgeous album to look back on. A record of our adventures and family photos from the year of 2018. And just in time for the beginning of a new year it arrived.
And so let me tell you a little about our December…
We have had a gorgeous month, Christmas time really is such a wonderful time of year. We do adore this time of year so much. I wrote a little post all about our Christmas so far, although I should really put another together about the big day itself. I really must as we had a lovely few days in the run up to the big day and let’s not forget those lazy days in between.
Unlike last Christmas (when I set the kitchen on fire) the day went so well, it was relaxed and dare I say it, my favourite so far. Mr H helped me in the kitchen which I think made all the difference – he made the several hours in the kitchen so much easier. And let’s not forget George, who quite simply enjoyed playing with each toy on repeat for hours on end. That and eating chocolate and wearing silly festive glasses and paper hats as we are our lunch. Sometimes it is quite literally the simplest of things that create the biggest memories.
And so, here are a few things we have been loving in December…
Daddy is loving…
The build up to Christmas, watching festive Cookery shows, a long weekend in Prague with his friends, having almost two weeks off together as a family and celebrating our wedding anniversary in between Christmas and New Year.
George is loving…
His Elf Buddy returning, visiting the Ice Village in Manchester, painting a Christmas plate, movie afternoons and playing on his PS4 ff Santa. And lastly his award at his final football presentation of the year.
Mummy is loving…
Decorating the house (of course), cosy mornings in bed, wrapping presents for family and friends, a gorgeous weekend with my boy when Mr H was in Prague, our annual day out in Manchester visiting the markets and of course the BIG day itself. This year we had the best day, relaxed, fun with lots of memories made with our boy.

And lastly, see you in 2019. Thank you for following along on our little family journey in 2018 x x